Thursday, April 7, 2011

surprise surprise

Hay hay hay!!!! 

Other than recovering from these darned allergies that were brought in from that crazy death cloud the other morning, my day is going great!

Yesterday I told you guys that I was thinking about making a homemade lasagna for dinner. Well, semi-homemade is what I meant. :-p After confirming with Raymond, I began to get super excited about it! A goal I have set for myself is to start cooking more often. I want to learn (most of) the ins and outs. There is something gratifying about being able to cook a meal that my man enjoys. Just call me old fashioned! Besides, I want to know that I will be able to cook for my family, when I have one. So lasagna for dinner it was!

Because we rarely cook, a grocery store trip was in need. I headed to HEB and picked up all of my ingredients, getting more and more excited to show of how well I was going to cook this meal! I'm serious... this baby was gonna be amazeballs! I felt like I was on a mission, and had something to prove to myself.

I made it to Raymond's apartment and realized that if any cooking was going to be done... clean dishes were a must have. And so I began. That part wasn't so exciting. :-/

About 5 minutes after I started scrubbing pots and pans, Raymond walked in the door and began asking all kinds of questions about my lasagna. While hiding his "up to no good" face behind the counter, he finished up with a "...well.... I was thinking.... maybe... maybe we'd go eat some crawfish tonight."

My initial thought (in my head) was "WHAT?!!?! I was about to slave over this kitchen for hours and make your @$$ a home cooked meal and was actually excited about it and now, NOW you wanna tell me you wanna go out?!?!!" But then I realized that I would much rather eat crawfish over anything, any day, any time. So I put down the dishes, put away the lasagna ingredients, and made my way to the door.

I was so happy that Raymond decided to surprise me with a Crawfish Shack trip, being it my most favorite place in the entire universe-- if you haven't already figured that out! It was an extra bonus that the crawfish were GIGANTIC!

yep, that's my hand

too bad i'm going to eat you little buddy. muahaha

I told ya, they were enormous. And for some reason... SUPER spicy. We always order the "regular" level of spice, which is the middle between mild and what I like to call "stupid hot". I'm not sure if the cooks were pissed off or what, but these suckers were some of the hottest we've ever had. We were crying, snot faces for sure. Hey, I never said crawfish were the most attractive thing to eat. Delicious doesn't equal pretty! ;-)

So for now, my lasagna is on hold. This weekend seems to be looking like the perfect time to make it, and you will all get to see how it turns out!
Today is one of my long days, I work at the restaurant tonight. Sad face. But it must be done!

Off to feed my "sad face"!

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