Sunday, April 3, 2011

a champion among us

Happy lazy Sunday everyone! Hope you're all having a great weekend. Mine has been, well... interesting to say the least. But F-U-N for sure!

I started it off by chit-chatting with my neighbor Rachel for a good 30 minutes, while basking in some nice morning sun. I then headed inside to make some breakfast. I was craving something(s) sweet, and couldn't decide what I wanted, so I made a plethora of things:

banana smeared with peanut butter, red plum jam toast, & nutella toast

After breakfast I got down and dirty on some homework. I completed about 5 hours of work until my eyes and brain just couldn't take anymore. I spent my 5 hours calling and budgeting venues, florals, equipment, djs, and diagraming events. Woo hoo! That's my kind of fun, right there! During these 5 hours, lunch was calling my name:

half a turkey& avacado sandwich, baby carrots drizzled in ranch, & a few crackers with salmon spread

Somehow, I got roped into yardwork with my parents. One minute I was watching, the next I was bagging leaves. Needless to say, that is NOT my kind of a good time.

Thankfully, it was gorgeous outside, and I actually got some pool time in. I was super excited because I got to wear a pair of super cute sandles I purchased at the end of last summer.

excuse the much-needed pedicure

me and my honey lounging at the pool

I cannot go long without food (luckily Raymond likes to eat), so we packed up and headed home to get ready for the night. Before heading out to meet up with some friends, we stopped at (one of) our favorite sushi restaurants, Sushi Nini. It was fantastic!

2 kirin ichiban, please!

After hanging out with friends until 2am at a local bar, Weirdos, the rest of the night pretty much went like this: 

sonny, david, and raymond being "cool"

josh beating sonny at some arm wrestling

heather and myself (NO we were not drinking that nasty stuff-- just posing)

After sleeping in until noon (yikes) today, Raymond and I indulged in some crunchy tacos, and watched a rented movie, Skyline. Tacos were fantastic, as for the movie... not so much. It seems that every movie we've watched lately, has been a bust. Meh, something's gotta give sooner or later!

Off to be lazy with my honey! Ttyl!

PS: I totally whooped Heather at arm wrestling. (4 times, to be exact... but who's counting?)

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