Wednesday, April 27, 2011

easter blogging block

Hi my little blogger-poos! First and foremost, I must appoligize for my lack of blogging. Easter brought out such a cooking-monster in me and I had absolutely no time to write anything! Because of my hostessing obligations, I have been using the beginning of the week to catch up on everything else in my life. But, no fear you guys, I have returned-- bearing more cupcakes! (see... I DO wuv you guys!)

This year, Easter was held at my parent's house, which meant that my mother and I were in charge of cooking. And cooking we did. From about 9am until 4pm. Yikes! Who knew that cooking was so much work? I was definitely exhausted after all was complete.

centerpiece and place settings-- gotta love hobby lobby!
Unfortunately, I did not get any pictures of the food, but I just so happened get pictures of my cupcakes. Hehe! ;-D I decided on two kinds-- the peanut butter cup ones previously featured, and strawberry with homemade buttercream frosting. Delish!

no time for scratch baking
With the previous chocolate PB cup cupcakes, I stuffed the cupcakes with PB chips. This time, I used what the original recipe (taken from STSL) called for, mini Recees Peanut Butter Cups. I highly reccomend using these instead of of the PB chips-- they made the cupcake fo sho!

mmm chocolate

For the strawberry cupcakes, I reccommend pouring the batter into a ziploc baggy because it is rather runny.

Because the box cake mix makes 24 cupcakes... and I decided to make 2 different kinds... well... we had a few too many. What are 10 people going to do with so many cupcakes? Oh yeah.. EAT THEM!
cupcake, anyone?
I used the same PB frosting as last time, but I modified measurements here and there, making sure to add some extra PB.

I got the buttercream frosting from good ol' Miss Betty Crocker. Thanks, Betty!

Ingredients: (enough for 12 cupcakes)
3 cups powdered sugar
1 1/2 tbsp. vanilla
3/4 c. softened butter
1-2 tbsp. milk (in all actuality, it needs about 8-10)

top 'em off with a few chocolate chips


top me with a choco egg, please!

Many praise were given for the cupcakes, which always makes me happy. I take a lot of pride in everything I do, and it makes my day to hear that people love them! And while the chocolate cupcakes were so fantastic, I must admit, that the strawberry cake with the creamy frosting was the bomb DOT com. For reals.

Hope you guys enjoy!

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